Let’s start right here, my name is Alexa Jahel Fuentez and for the last 18 years, I’ve been working and growing to become… an artist! I grew up in California, where the home of legendary artists made their mark. I made my mark when I was 3 years old and drew on a wall with my wielding markers, only for my work of art to be washed up with a sponge and soap. From drawing on walls, to paper, and to my very own sketchbook when I was 10. As a kid who loved going to my local library and reading comic strips of the most iconic comic, The Peanuts, I started creating my own.

My love for comic strips grew bigger and stronger, so I started to venture into the world of manga. I started with Pokémon: Diamond and Pearl and Black and White, as well as Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s. Inspired by these stories, I began experimenting with different art styles and exploring various artistic media. I was inspired by fantasy and Sci-Fi themes. I created endless worlds and characters that lived in those realms. Eight years later, enrolling at Orange Coast College, I ventured out to earn my certificate in Animation.

From so much help along the way, I stumbled along a life changing path in storyboarding that I started to sharpen and enhance my skills and knowledge in storyboarding and animation. Now, with so many skills and gaining experience points, I keep leveling up and creating projects on the side and hope to wow people who love animation with my hard work and talent.

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